
  • Travel security planning and recommendations

    Our travel security consultants and advisors have professional expertise and qualifications in risk management and security management in subsaharan Africa.

  • Travel Security Escort

    We are able to provide close protection security escorts to meet the safety needs of our clients. Goldskylines offers different levels of travel escort services suited to the needs of our clients. Security escorts typically meet our clients at destination airport and can be used as needed.

  • Security analysis report

    We produce detailed on-demand current security analysis reports of the potential destinations our clients.

  • Travel security risk assessment

    We help our customers by providing them with pertinent information and advice regarding; a destination they intend to travel to, a specific country of interest, or multiple countries of interest. This includes the assessment of all routes of travel and forms of transport. We do this to help our customers better understand the area in question, to help inform decision-makers and better prepare our customers to achieve their objectives 

“I aim to utilize my U.S military background and local knowledge and network in Africa to help ensure the safety and security of our clients.”

— Chinedu Nwakaire Ezeife - Security Consultant, Goldskylines.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.